Skin Care And Health Tips: 5 Easy Skin Tightening Masks You Should Definitely Try

mercredi 28 octobre 2015

5 Easy Skin Tightening Masks You Should Definitely Try

We start noticing numerous skin related issues as we age. The skin begins generating less oil making it saggy and dry. Who would desire to have such skin? To all avoid this, you need to begin taking enough precautions from an early age.

One answer is to opt for skin tightening masks. Below are a few simple skin tightening mask recipes which can be prepared quickly at your own home. Apply any of these face tightening masks at least once a week for youthful looking skin.

1. Egg White Mask: 

Egg White

  1. Beat the egg and divide the egg white from the yellow. 
  2. Apply the egg white immediately on your face and wait till it dries. 
  3. Wash your  whole face with lukewarm water. 
The Egg is the most popular ingredient known for skin tightening and is frequently used by us. It firms the skin and tightens it. So if you do not have enough time to make all those recipes, you can solely use this mask and it'll do wonders to your skin.

2. Egg White And Flour Mask: 

1 Egg white
Glycerin for dry skin
Flour/Fuller’s earth

  1. Beat an egg and divide the white from the yellow. 
  2. Mix flour, honey, and glycerin to it and apply on your face. 
  3. Wait until it dries and wash with lukewarm water. 

You can use Multanimitti or Fuller’s Earth as well. If your skin is oily, you can avoid adding glycerin if needed.

Fuller’s earth or multanimitti enhances skin tone, combats against tanning, blemishes, and pimples. It draws extra oil from your skin and stimulates blood circulation in your entire face. You can utilize flour frequently while multanimitti just occasionally when you get it from the market. One thing must be bared in mind that multanimitti is just for oily skin and not for sensitive or dry skin.

3. Egg White And Yogurt Mask: 

1 Egg white
1/8tsp Sugar
1tbsp Yogurt

  1. Beat an egg and divide the white from the yellow. 
  2. Mix sugar and yogurt to it well and apply it on your entire face. 
  3. Wait until it dries and rinse very well with lukewarm water. 

Yogurt combats blemishes and cleanses the skin really well. Sugar is one of the best natural exfoliators. It removes,  cleanses dead cells, moisturizes and fights against early aging signs.

4. Cabbage And Rice Flour Mask:

2-3 Cabbage leaves
Few drops of Almond/Olive oil
2tbsp Rice flour

  1. Grind and prepare a paste of cabbage leaves. 
  2. blend it well with rice flour and olive oil or almond oil.
  3. Apply it on your entire face and let it dry. 
  4. Rinse it very well with lukewarm water. 

If your skin is oily, you can let go of almond or olive oil in this pack. You can also use egg white if you like.

You might be asking about the cabbage in this pack. Cabbage leaves are best known to act against loose skin and wrinkles. olive oil or Almond oil moisturizes the skin very well.

5. Cabbage And Honey Mask: 

Cabbage leaves
Almond/olive oil for dry skin


  1. Take 2-3 cabbage leaves and create a paste out of it. 
  2. blend it very well with honey and yogurt in a container. 
  3. For dry skin, olive or almond oil can be added to the paste. 
  4. Apply this mixture and leave it for 15-20 min. 
  5. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water. 

All these ingredients can be found simply at home. Hope this article on skin tightening face masks will help you. So let me know which mask are you aiming to start with?

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